CyberChaun Land

The land of all Leprechauns who have taken the leap and have landed in the middle of the internet!
Ya know what? I think I may be the only one!!!! ;-)

Thursday, January 12, 2006

I am BATMAN!!!

Well he thinks he is anyways. And ya know what I aint gonna argue with him!

Like any typical boy his favorite toys are things like his Lightsaber (Anikan/Vader color change saber), homemade swords (made from legos, sticks, etc), his bow and arrows set, etc. Basically any thing that he can use to bring bad guys to justice.

I mean look at him. That boy will hurt ya five ways from Sunday before ya know it. But I would not want anybody else by my side when I have to face the dangers of the world.

But reading what I have posted one would think he is violent. But he is not. He is the most loving, caring, helpful, young man. He gets upset when those around him are hurt or sad and will do all he can to make you feel better! His favorite move is to sneak up on you and wrap his arms around you in a hug of love.


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