CyberChaun Land

The land of all Leprechauns who have taken the leap and have landed in the middle of the internet!
Ya know what? I think I may be the only one!!!! ;-)

Monday, March 27, 2006

Uck My eye hurts

Last night my eye felt like I got something in it so I did the ole pull the eyelid over to let tears wash it out. But alas that did no good, my eye was still irritated. So I then did the next thing we all seem to do no matter how hard we try not to, I rubbed it! Well it just kept getting worse so I put some eye-drops in it: well actually I sat on my hands while my daughter held my head still and my wife put the eye-drops in!! Man I hate that feeling!

When I went to bed it was feeling a little better, until I tried to go to sleep. Then it felt like there was sand all in it and it would not stop tearing up. I then ran a washcloth under hot water and made a hot compress that I laid on my eye till I could get to sleep.

I then woke up at around 4 am with my eye glued shut. So using another hot washcloth I soaked it till I could open it and then cleaned it as best as I could and went back to sleep. Woke up at the normal time to go to school and it was glued almost completely shut again.

Got to school and looked up my symptoms on and confirmed my fears. I have PINK EYE. But wait what is this? RED EYE? Oh please let it be that. Well it could be as red eye is not the infection that pink eye is but just an irritation that has almost the same symptoms (the major one from pink eye that did not apply to me is the light issue). So my eye could be infected with pink eye, or it could just be irritated thus just be red eye. Either way I played it safe and took care of things at school and went home.

My eye is itching like mad all day so I took a nap and after about an hour and half my eye tried to glue shut again. So I am taking some antibiotic and hoping it is cleared up by tomorrow night as I really can not afford to miss work or school.

And as normal there is a new song for all to enjoy.


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