CyberChaun Land

The land of all Leprechauns who have taken the leap and have landed in the middle of the internet!
Ya know what? I think I may be the only one!!!! ;-)

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Saturday: A day of dates!

I started a few months back going on a date with my children on Saturday morning. Then after attempting to figure out how to do it and be fair I realized I needed the same thing with my wife. So now on Saturday mornings me and one member of my family go "out", and spend some quality time with each other.

The first date was me and my oldest (she brought her friend on that one) and we went to Krispy Kreme donuts then went to Target. The nest one was with my son and we just went to various store and spent some time talking and looking at things. The next date was me and my wife, we went to Krispy Kreme and then a grocery store with out any children along (its amazing how peaceful that is ;-) ). The it was me and the youngest, she wanted to go to Party City (party supply store) so off we went and then to McDonald's.

Well the dates have been varied. Some dates have been nothing more than going to a store and just letting the one choose what part of the store we hung out in (like one was at Target in the toy department playing). Others have been going out for breakfast McDonald's. Some of the dates have been forced into the later parts of the day due to other commitments (either my wife's or one of the kids). Also we have gone to Wal-Mart to spend birthday money.

The point is not where we go or what we do but to just spend time with each other in a way that my attention is not on other things but on whom I am with. The conversation is not directed by me, the location where we go is not decided by me, the focus of the time is on whom I am with. In fact I wont look at my watch to check the time (unless we have to be somewhere at a certain time and our time is limited)

The reason of this post is not to brag or anything like that, but it is a reminder to take time out and spend it with the ones you love. It does not have to be fancy or cost money (most dates have not cost a penny) but what's important is just being with the person and focusing on them. Doing what they want, even if it makes you squirm ;-).

So go on a date with your child, McDonald's is not THAT bad ;-)


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