CyberChaun Land

The land of all Leprechauns who have taken the leap and have landed in the middle of the internet!
Ya know what? I think I may be the only one!!!! ;-)

Monday, October 02, 2006

Wow that Once a week

thing kind of went out the window. It seems that most of my time is taken up with just getting what I need done and then just a bit of down time.

BUT that has changed as of last Thursday when I no longer work in the bookstore. Now its not all that bad, I would have never quit with out having another job lined up but I was miserable there. Life consisted of waking up and running like a chicken with my head cut off doing various things such as errands, cleaning house, school work, etc. Then it was pick the kids up from school and kiss them on the forehead as I went to work. Then by the time I got home from work the youngest was already in bed asleep, the middle was getting in bed and the oldest was getting ready for bed. So Monday through Thursday I saw my kids not at all.

Also not having this job opens up the ability to accept temporary jobs (like one I did not turn down but had to inform them that I could not jeopardize the job I currently had for a job that would end at Christmas).

Now the loss of income (even though it was small) is not a good thing. But I am hoping and praying that the free time will allow me to get my name out there more for CTS.