CyberChaun Land

The land of all Leprechauns who have taken the leap and have landed in the middle of the internet!
Ya know what? I think I may be the only one!!!! ;-)

Sunday, January 29, 2006

A deflated Youth Minister

No not me. The Youth Minister of my church (LHBC).

Ok let me bring ya up to date. My church was host to Team Impact this week. Team Impact is an evangelism group made of very big and very strong men. They go around doing Feats of Strength such as: Breaking large stacks of bricks, huge bricks of ice, bricks on fire, ice on fire, breaking bats, bending bars of steel, rolling up a frying pan, blowing up a hot water bottle till it explodes, etc. All this to preach the message of Christ and how He came to die for our sins.

Any ways one of their stunts is to lay on concrete blocks, have a bed of nails placed on their chest, then have blocks of ice weighing between 600 to 800 pounds on top of the bed of nails (pressing the nails into the chest), then another member swings a 16lb sledge hammer onto the block of ice until it breaks!

Well tonight they got our Youth Minister up on stage and laid him on the concrete and then placed the nails board on his chest and then a 200 lb block of ice on him and then took their sweet time in breaking the ice. LOL

As I said they are an evangelism group and over the 5 nights their where over 110 confessions of faith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


At 2/01/2006 9:13 PM, Blogger MicTar said...

well ya know what Ill pass the message on to him for ya.


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