CyberChaun Land

The land of all Leprechauns who have taken the leap and have landed in the middle of the internet!
Ya know what? I think I may be the only one!!!! ;-)

Monday, January 16, 2006

I am Yoda!!!!

Well it seems every time, and I mean every time I take one of these tests I come out to be Yoda. Look at these 3 results!!!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TEST 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Which Star Wars Jedi/Sith are you?


Dynamite in a small package, and long-lasting, like the Energizer bunny. While you are wise and calm, you are able to call on your killer instincts and be kick-ass. Some may call you a ‘sleeper’. With such great power comes some arrogance, but you are quick to return to humility and fix your mistakes. You have certainly left your mark on the world, in good and bad ways, and it was kinda sad to see you go. But no need to worry, you have gained immortality even though you can’t wield your toothpick of a lightsabre anymore.

Personality Test Results

Take this test here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TEST 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


You scored 55 Courage, 35 Ego, and 65 Lightness!
Yoda is wise and strong, you may not seek a fight, but you know how to finish them.
Link: The What Jedi are you? Test

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TEST 3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(100%) 1: Yoda
(97%) 2: Voolvif Monn
(93%) 3: Eeth Koth
(93%) 4: Kit Fisto
(90%) 5: Plo Koon
(87%) 6: Roron Corobb
(86%) 7: Sassee Tiin
(85%) 8: Ki Adi Mundi
(85%) 9: Obi-Wan Kenobi
(84%) 10: Coleman Trebor
(83%) 11: Agen Kolar
(80%) 12: Shaak Ti
(79%) 13: Mace Windu
(76%) 14: Barriss Offee
(75%) 15: Adi Gallia
(73%) 16: Luke Skywalker
(72%) 17: Quilan Vos
(69%) 18: Ayala Secera
(68%) 19: Stass Allie
(56%) 20: Depa Billba
(49%) 21: Anakin Skywalker(Darth Vader)
(39%) 22: General Grevious
(30%) 23: Count Dooku
(29%) 24: Emperor Palpatine
(22%) 25: Asajj Ventress
Which Jedi are you?

So as ya can see I am a little green man (duh aint all leprechauns?) that kicks much arse!!!!!


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