The things that make you wanna scream!
First our income tax return was way smaller this year than it has ever been before. No where's near enough to cover all the things we needed to cover with it. And on top of that we where not able to do our own taxes as the things we had to file where way to complicated so we had a fee to go along with it that reduced the amount we got by $350!!!!
Second our vans inspection was due in January. We had a busted headlight that cost $200 to replace. Then we had to spend another $10 on windshield wipers. Then we finally take it to get inspected and it fails on the emissions part!! So that was the $40+ for the inspection down the drain. And now we have to pay to get the van fixed so we can get it re-inspected.
Thirdly I went to bed last night with my sinuses acting up and my left eye itching and watering like crazy. Then I woke up at 4:30 am not able to open either eye, coughing like crazy, not able to breathe thru my nose. I laid in bed being miserable until right before time to go to school, and decided since I could barely see my hand in front of my face due to my eyes being all messed up that it would be best to stay home.
So now I am at work and come to find out the policy is "If you don't go to school you are not supposed to work." Well crap it would have been nice to know that before I came in as I really did not wanna come in but really need to. So know I am debating on sitting here feeling like crap trying to work or to just ask to go home.
So sometimes ya just wanna scream. I would right now but I am afraid it would make my throat hurt even more!
Poor Mike :P
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