CyberChaun Land

The land of all Leprechauns who have taken the leap and have landed in the middle of the internet!
Ya know what? I think I may be the only one!!!! ;-)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Aint it supposed to be winter?

what's up with the temps reaching the low 80's in Feb? This is insane!!!

The real bad part is that my apartment is on what's called a chiller/boiler system and is controlled by the apartment management. So in October they switch it over to heat and all you can get is hot air (well not really hot or cold in the summer but that is another complaint) until they switch it back over to cool. If I had my way it would never be put on heat anyways.

So we are stuck with basically no AC when its needed because the temps are not behaving outside. Today has been a miserable day due to the apartment being in the 80's all day with no way to cool the place off. Ceiling fans don't cool they circulate the hot air. The box fan we have is not big enough to make a difference. And leaving the door open only lets in more hot air even though there is a nice breeze blowing.

So for once I am actually happy to be at work, not because I wanna work, but because here there is AC!!!!!!!! I just feel sorry for the wife and kids!


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