CyberChaun Land

The land of all Leprechauns who have taken the leap and have landed in the middle of the internet!
Ya know what? I think I may be the only one!!!! ;-)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

One week and then its the last!

Woke up this morning and got the younglings ready for school. Then went back to bed until it was time for this oldling to go to school.

Got to school at 11:25 am showed Javier my AD 2003 Study Guides and was leaving the school at 11:35 am. Yup I drove to school just to show my instructor 6 chapters worth of definitions so he could check them off and then went right back home.

So what does all this mean? Well for starters I am officially finished with this term and have one term to go.

Yup in a short 10 weeks I will be graduating with my AA in Computer Network Engineering and will no longer be a student but will be officially unemployed (well technically not even that as Ill be my own boss so i guess I will be under worked!) Its starting to hit me that I am pulling up to the start/finish line and I don't know if I am ready for this lap of my life. I am scared yet excited.

I have proposed an idea to a certain person and I am hoping that this idea can be brought to fruition as it will help me out immensely with supporting the family while the business is getting built up. It will also help out the person and his staff a lot in their work load. But that, as vague as I had to make it sound, is in God's hands and is up to Him if it happens. Right now I am trying to discern how God wants me to go about the next phase. My options are as follows:

1. Tough it out and hope that work comes in and that my business flourishes

2. Suck it up and start NOW putting in applications for IT jobs and hope I have time to get my business going

3. Eat crow and start putting in applications for part time jobs (ie Starbucks, Wal-Mart, etc) where I will be able to work on the business

4. Really hope that the idea I have put out there (the one I was talking about above) pans out

5. Pack up and move to some country where money is not important

Well I have a week with no school to enjoy. But alas I have the Bookstore tomorrow night and Saturday to contend with.

Oh yeah Saturday an old friend is coming to town and we will be getting together as well as I am being dragged off to a wedding of one of my youth from our old church. SO Saturday is looking to be quite full.


At 3/09/2006 3:37 PM, Blogger MicTar said...

thanks for that


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