CyberChaun Land

The land of all Leprechauns who have taken the leap and have landed in the middle of the internet!
Ya know what? I think I may be the only one!!!! ;-)

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Ready or not? That is the question!

My Cisco 3 presentation is Monday and I feel like I am ready but at the same time I don't. On one hand I know I know the information but on the other its a lot of information to know and when I look at it all I feel, well overwhelmed!

I have my powerpoint laid out; just need to plug in the info. I know what I am going to say; just need to run through it a few times. I know I can make an A; just have to do it!!

Thankfully with things flowing (even though I am not 100% ready) I can take some time for myself and my family and enjoy life. Sometimes I have to remind myself that the whole reason I am in school is so that I can get the base of knowledge to have my own business. The reason I want my own business is so that when I want to spend time with my family or for myself I can. And that its pointless if to have that as a goal if to get there I have to sacrifice those two objectives. So when I get to the point that I say I cant do this or that for an extended period of time I have to stop and step back and reorientate myself.

So let's see:
Presentation - in final stages.
Cisco 3 tests - 1 test to go and one to retake.
Active Directory - completed!
KOTOR 2 - First Light Side character no go, cant get past the 3 Sith in the temple on Dxun. Dark Side progressing fine, just did the first job for Czerka. Planning new Light Side, will start her after DS goes to next planet.
AOE 3 - campaign on Normal thinking about it, just not really excited about the campaigns in most RTS. Need to invest some time here on Home Cities and get my single digit ones up to at least level 10.
Sacred - Wow this is a big game with lots to do. I don't know if I should focus on main quest and just do the occasional side job or do as much as possible.
Civ 4 - Hmmm must try this again. Not as engrossing as the first 3. Maybe its just too much at the moment for me to enjoy.
Guild Wars - not really feeling the urge. Maybe just forcing myself to play is what is needed. But of course my level 20 Warrior/Mesmer is stuck and with out help from other human players he is not going to go any farther. And my second char (cant remember what she is at the moment) is doing fine but I am waiting on my daughter to catch up with her so we can play together.
Champions of Norath - Finally motivated myself to get past the orc caves, I kept wanting to start a new character. And me and my son are about to tackle the second quest, starting this character filled the need for a new character.
Need for Speed Underground - Main profile about to race 15 out 111 and is doing most races on medium. Hard profile race 4 or 5 out of that 111 and must do all races on HARD!!!
Business - have paperwork just need to find a free moment (between school, my work and my wife's work getting away from the house is a challenge) so that I can get down town to file it all so I can "officially" start working.


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