CyberChaun Land

The land of all Leprechauns who have taken the leap and have landed in the middle of the internet!
Ya know what? I think I may be the only one!!!! ;-)

Friday, March 24, 2006

Well I can be a citizen of the US!

How about you?

You Passed the US Citizenship Test

Congratulations - you got 8 out of 10 correct!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Do you need caffeine to make your world go 'round?

Then has ya covered!

Here are a few things ya may want:

1. Caffeinated mints

2. Caffeinated drink

3. Caffeinated soap

4. Caffeinated water

5. Caffeinated tablets to make any beverage caffeinated

6. Caffeinated chocolates

7. Caffeinated gum

8. Caffeinated hot sauce

9. Caffeinated lotion/gel

10. Caffeinated lip balm

And for those who want to show your caffeine pride a few more items:

1. Travel mug

2. Regular mug

They have over 30 caffeinated and caffeine items for ya to check out but I figured the list would be way to long if I listed them all ;-). Oh and if ya are ever in the mood to buy me something some of those candies/gum would be cool!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The master of Forced Perspective!

IMO Julian Beever (link to his website) a sidewalk chalk artist is the master of Forced Perspective (yes I know that this term is used normally in reference to movies but IMO it applies to this mans artwork as well).

And since I have migraine this is all you get today! Enjoy the pics, they are great!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

A day to weep!

Today was the release date of the highly anticipated Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and due to 3 things:

1. Not enough money to buy a copy

2. Not enough RAM in my comp (well I do have 512 but it needs a gig to run perfectly)

3. Not a good enough video card

So this sad little CyberChaun is going to sit over in that -----> corner and weep for a spell!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Still above water!

It rained all the way into early this morning. But as you can see we survived it.

The family friend with the flooding issue has been informed "That her carpet will dry out. Nothing to worry about." WTF!?! Her ENTIRE downstairs area was 2 to 3 inches under water. That translates into carpet needing to be replaced because if ya don't there will be mold issues as well as a funky smell in the apartment. Its times like this that I wished I could organize a class action lawsuit against the owners of this complex.

Here check out this list of grievances:

1. Air-conditioning/Heater system way out of date. It is a Chiller/Boiler system built when the apartments where built (in the 60's or 70's I believe) and is controlled by the management not by the resident of the apartment. So like this winter when temps reached the 90's we had no AC.

1a. The AC does not cool the apartment in the summer since its what is called a chiller system (think of one of those old window units that had water running over them) and with temps in the 100's during the summer it is miserable.

1b. The heating blows air that is the same temp as the ground since the pipes are underground and obviously not insulated. So the air coming out of the vents is barely warmer than the air in the apartment to start with.

1c. Because of the two above problems our electric/gas bill is outrages because the system never cools/heats the apartment enough to actually shut off!

2. All the windows and doors do not "seal" so bugs are always coming in. And the hot air in the summer or cold air in the winter is always coming in.

3. Our garbage disposal broke with in the first month of us moving in and they still have not fixed it (ending 2 years now).

4. There is no where for kids to play outside. If they play in front of the apartment we get in trouble for it, if they play in the one area where there is grass we can't see them from the apartment. There is no play equipment anywhere in the complex.

5. There is a weight limit of 20 lbs for a dog but there are people with HUGE dogs all over the place. They walk these dogs without using a leash and the dogs do not obey the owners and chase people and other dogs. Also they don't pick up after the dogs and the complex does not pick up so referring back to #4 and kids playing!

6. The crime rate and lack of the apartment complex doing something about it. Well they hire a private security firm that drives around 2 or 3 times a night and that lasts about a month till they are fired or not paid (I actually don't know why they disappear after about 4 weeks but that is the only explanation I can come up with). Also patrolling at night is useless as most crimes in and around the complex are during the day.

I could go on but this post is taking a way too negative spin and I am not enjoying it but I needed to vent!

Ok so some lighter fare uh.................................................................................... I am alive and my family is alive and healthy!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Call Noah up and book a room on the Ark!

It started raining last night and it has been pouring ever since! I think God is making up for all the missed rain in the last six months as the volume of rain has been huge!

In fact is raining so much that peoples homes have been flooding cause the ground is saturated. A family friend has had water coming in her back door since around 2 am. A member of the church is having water filling their garage into their kitchen and into the dining/living room. And finally our church itself is having water acting like the tide, its coming in and going out.

So I am making reservations now!