CyberChaun Land

The land of all Leprechauns who have taken the leap and have landed in the middle of the internet!
Ya know what? I think I may be the only one!!!! ;-)

Thursday, March 02, 2006

The end draws near!

Well the end of the term does anyways!

All I need to do for this term is take my skills test. And the only part I feel shaky on is the lab/practical part. Not so much in that I am not up to par but for some strange reason the routers and switches do not like me here. I get them set up and everything is entered correctly (the instructor looks it over) and it wont work correctly. Ill start over and still no good.

Last time we found an issue with a setting on the computer's firewall that was causing problems and fixed it. But that was at the end of lab so I did not get a chance to retest all aspects.

Hopefully that fix was all that was needed and things will go smoothly Monday.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

A taste of Mardi Gras '06

A friend of mine from was sitting at home with his wife watching the live feed from Mardi Gras in New Orleans via an internet web cam. The it hit him that he was only one and a half hours away. So he called up his brother and they headed down to New Orleans to be on the web cam themselves. Here is a pic from that moment in time.

It looks like he was having fun. I also think it is downright cool that he could just up and go like he did. The one downside to this little adventure is that I think he probably felt like I did yesterday, like the living dead. Ya see he did not get home till around 2 am and had to be back up at 4:45 am. Me, I would have been useless all day; him, I am not to sure about!

So in thanks for him letting me use his pic and tell this story I am going to promote a wish/desire of his:


Monday, February 27, 2006

Its over .....

......brain is melted and oozed out of my ear ............ I need to mop it up ............ 'cause I have my skills test and my final still to go ......... and it wi ...... oh look shiny ............................................

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Well its ready.

Still not sure if I am ready. :-S

But today is going to be devoted to enjoyment. As soon as this here blog do be published I am heading off to slay either do gooders trying to whimpyfy the galaxy or evil minions of the underworld trying to enslave the races of Man and Elf.

All righty then.... let's kill some people! (bonus points to whomever can tell me what movie that is from)