CyberChaun Land

The land of all Leprechauns who have taken the leap and have landed in the middle of the internet!
Ya know what? I think I may be the only one!!!! ;-)

Friday, March 17, 2006

More St Patty's day fun!

Behold the face(s) of Two Angry Punk Leprechauns. On the right we have my daughter and on the left her best friend.

St Patrick's Day


Thursday, March 16, 2006

The times you feel like a complete arse!

Well between today and yesterday I opened my mouth and said some things in a way that did not convey what I meant. So in being a complete idiot I hurt some one who is not only a mentor but a person I consider a friend. I screwed up and will now have to reap the results of my actions.

I debated in publishing this post as it is of such a personal nature but in the end wanting to make a public apology and giving others the chance to learn from my mistake won out. So to those reading this keep in mind that words do hurt and even if you mean no harm they way you word things or the tone you use will override your meaning.

I really need to learn this lesson as my mouth is my worst enemy!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Day 1 of Term 8

Yup today was the first day of the new term at school. And it so happens to be my last term.

So let's see I am in Cisco 4, Project Class, and Career Management. Hmmmmmmm 4 is going to be very intense, which is cool. Project is going to be fun, which is very cool. And CM is going to be informative and packed, which is ok I guess. To be frankly honest of all the classes I have had to take it is the one I have looked forward to the least. But I will make a go of it and I will pull an A.

Also got my grades from last term got both and A in Cisco 3 and an A in Active Directory. Which means I maintained my 4.0 in my core classes. The sad part is my cumulative GPA is a 3.99 and I don't even think making a perfect 4.0 this term can pull it up to a 4.0. See I got an A- in English Comp 1 (which to be honest with shocked me that it was that good as I am not very good at English). But the rest of my grades in all my classes have been A so that one A- is preventing a perfect 4.0. Oh well its God's way of keeping me from getting an ego, because my grades are definitely by His grace!

Oh and the final great piece of news remember when I listed my "work" options a few posts back? Well the most ideal option is the one that is falling into place in the most perfect of ways. Thank you GOD!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Just a picture for today.

Anybody need to go!?!

Oh and a new song for the week. Hope y'all enjoy it.

Sunday, March 12, 2006


Man had a great day today.

A friend I have not seen since 1995 is in town for a convention. He and his fiance came over and we had a grilled pork chops and chicken.

tomorrow we are going to hang out after he is done with his convention stuffs.

Man all I can say it is great to get together with a friend you have not seen in such a long time and things just pick up where they left off. No awkward moments of silence, no moments of "who is this person". No it was great! It was like the last time we had seen it other was just last week!