CyberChaun Land

The land of all Leprechauns who have taken the leap and have landed in the middle of the internet!
Ya know what? I think I may be the only one!!!! ;-)

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Just some vids!

Do to the fact that I am currently swamped with school work (Final for Cisco 4, Portfolio and career Plan for career Management and a Skills Test for project) This is a quick post that will be made up of a few vids for your enjoyment.

1) FireFox and Retarded Browsers why FireFox rocks!

2) Goombas Revenge what the Mario World could have been?

3) Ryan vs Dorkman A Star Wars lightsaber duel (be patient it takes a bit to load)

Have a great weekend all.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Time to brag yet again!

Well Blue Phoenix has reached another milestone in her academic and life.

She was inducted tonight into the national Junior Beta Club and during the ceremony she was chosen to be the representative for all the inductees and received the keys on stage on their behalf.

I am so proud of my daughter. She has achieved so much in her short 6 years of school (well 5 if ya don't count kindergarten).

Monday, April 24, 2006

The joys of being a Sr

Every class day I am informed "Since you are graduating all your work needs to be completed early."

How early one asks (namely me)? And the response is May 5th!!! Ok does not sound bad till ya look and see that 1) May 5th is only a little over a week away and that 2) its basically 2 weeks early!!

Now here is the tricky part, all my grades will be turned in and there will be no new school work for me. One would think "YAY I don't have to get up early and come in!!!" but alas they can still count ya absent if they so choose. The instructor can not say "Yes you may miss class as all your work is completed and your name is not even on the attendance sheet."

So hopefully after the 5th I will be able to focus on getting my business another step towards being self sustaining. Of course I have to meet with a CPA to get an understanding of this thing called TAXES!!!!!!!! A positive note is that the first round of marketing is underway and should be in the mail in the morning!