CyberChaun Land

The land of all Leprechauns who have taken the leap and have landed in the middle of the internet!
Ya know what? I think I may be the only one!!!! ;-)

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Hey its cold outside!!!!

It has not been above freezing all day! The Wind chill has been in the teens! All I know is that when it gets hot again I am going to complain about it here in my blog and see if the temps will drop again!

But to be honest I am starting to feel like an old man, I mean look at this the last three days I have talked about the weather! What's next talking politics! *shudder*. Or even *gasp* sports!

MUST find some game, book, movie and/or even IT stuffs to talk about.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm games let's see, my friend who I took to the airport left some of his games here and I installed Sacred last night. Pretty good game. I feel like I am moving to fast in it tho, maybe not as I have no idea about its scale. I started with as my first char a Dark Elf. I think I am going to start a Vampiress later tonight or tomorrow. Also in KOTOR 2 I am very upset still over the fact that my current game is well screwed! I cant go any farther with it so I started a new char last night. A male Dark Sider (my stuck char is a female Light Sider).

Now for some books. Went to Half Priced books the other day and picked up 2 Star Wars books (Tales from Jabba's Palace and Tales from the Mos Eisly Cantina) and a Shadowrun book (Never Trust an Elf). Started reading Tales from Jabba's Palace and am about half way thru it. Also one of my youth from my Sunday School class got me a book called Bard, don't know much about it as I have not started reading it yet.

Movies - well have not really been watching that many lately. Watched the Cave a few days ago, it was so-so. Let's see also watched (sorta watched actually)Wallace and Grommet Curse of the Wererabbit, Horatio Hornblower Eps 6 (Retribution), and of course the Firefly series has been on in the background when the kids are not in control of the TV.

Well that's about it. So stay warm folks!

Friday, February 17, 2006

Up against a wall and other odd and ends!

Playing KOTOR 2 and I have run into a snag! Ya see I am in this temple of a fallen Jedi by the name of Freedon Nadd. Well anyways at the end of the temple there are these four Sith Jedi doing some sort of a ritual. They finish it (killing one of their own) and talk to my party. After the conversation its time to fight. Then they proceed to cut thru me and my party like a lightsaber goes thru a pillar of half melted ice!

So that frustration added on top of the fact I woke up with a migraine has me in a foul mood! I am tempted to hunt down me own lightsaber and start taking on the whole 'verse meself.

But the one bright spot to today is that our order from Amazon came in today. You are now looking at (well in a manner of speaking) the proud owner of the Firefly Series and Serinity the movie!!!

Next the weather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those in the area know exactly what I am talking about. But for those who are in an area where the weather is behaving consider yourself lucky! Remember how I said the temps got up into the 80's yesterday? Well today the high was in the 40's!!!!!!!!!! And tonight freezing rain is in the forecast!!!!!! I am in shock!

And the final note is that people who leave screws/nails on the road are arses!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Aint it supposed to be winter?

what's up with the temps reaching the low 80's in Feb? This is insane!!!

The real bad part is that my apartment is on what's called a chiller/boiler system and is controlled by the apartment management. So in October they switch it over to heat and all you can get is hot air (well not really hot or cold in the summer but that is another complaint) until they switch it back over to cool. If I had my way it would never be put on heat anyways.

So we are stuck with basically no AC when its needed because the temps are not behaving outside. Today has been a miserable day due to the apartment being in the 80's all day with no way to cool the place off. Ceiling fans don't cool they circulate the hot air. The box fan we have is not big enough to make a difference. And leaving the door open only lets in more hot air even though there is a nice breeze blowing.

So for once I am actually happy to be at work, not because I wanna work, but because here there is AC!!!!!!!! I just feel sorry for the wife and kids!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A trip to the airport

Well today started off very early! Did you people know that a time called 3 am exists!?!?! There was no sun up in the sky! And there where people already up and awake! You humans are insane.

I guess ya can tell I got my friend to the airport this morning, hopefully I slowed down enough so that when I pushed him out the door he did not get to bad a case of road rash. I do know that when I circled back around he was up and walking, well he was staggering; but he was coherent enough to grab his bags from the trunk as I passed him. And I am sure that the airport first aid station was able to stop the bleeding from the head wound.

Also today consisted of us getting our van back from the shop. Which resulted in our bank account becoming $400 lighter than it was before the van went to the shop. But my wife said it was running much better then it was before it went in. Now just to get it re-inspected and get that stupid sticker for the window.

And as a closing bit of info ITS VALENTINES DAY GUYS!!!!!! Have ya taken care of the things you need to take care of to survive the evening?

Monday, February 13, 2006

Its Monday (aka the ramble blog)

and its almost over with. Then I will be going to bed so I can get some rest before getting up at 3 am so I can take a good friend to the airport where he will board a plane at 6 am ( I feel for him as I get to go back home to bed but he is on a plane).

Let me see, I also took a Cisco exam today (that puts me at about the midway mark on tests). Worked on some labs. I think switches are harder to work on than routers but easier to understand.

Worked on some AD 2003 labs from a site Javier found. They where interesting and informative, and more practical than most of the ones in the book. So after doing the labs he had for us I went to the site and browsed it some (I'll be adding a link to it soon so keep your eye out for it)

And on a final note I have decided that on Mondays I will change the song that starts when ya load the page so check out this weeks song.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Wow where did the weekend go?

I have totally ran out of time this weekend. I can not believe it is already Sunday!

Friday consisted of 2 Valentines parties at my kids schools, taking a friend who is in town out to eat and to the bookstore. Then Saturday consisted of me donating blood first thing, then other errands around town, then that night me and my wife went to a Mystery Dinner at our church. And then of course today was Sunday School and church, we then went and had lunch then headed to the mall.

And now I am sitting here realizing that the weekend is over and that school is in the morning!

So like I said WOW!!!!!!!!!!!