Looking at my coffee table
you would think you are a giant stranded on a world of little people! Little people and animals made of plastic that is.
My son has taken over the table and created a world where my old Playmobil live and play. He has built a fort out of Lincoln Logs as well as the Playmobil fort pieces. He has men riding horses, standing around a table. He has one person that looks to be sick laying in bed with a trio of people tending to him.
And now into the mix is added a rather large robot/bulldozer transforming thing (must be the leader). Also a Large man in a Bobcat tractor rescue vehicle is perched up on a high vantage (the question this raises is he friend or foe?)
Well the point of all this is how I am so amazed at his imagination. How he painstakingly puts together his "worlds". The amount of attention to detail that goes on. He knows exactly where it should go and why it should go there. If you or anyone else moves a piece he knows it. And he will fix it.
Well I need to go and inform the guy that it is now bed time and that he will have to postpone building his little environment. I will be nice and let it stay set up and let him finish tomorrow instead of putting it up right now.